Exploring the Role and Position of Tongue and Language in Self-Purification Based on the Ideas of Nizami Ganjavi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University. sabzevar.iran

2 Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature of Hakim Sabzevari University.


The philosophical and ethical thoughts of Nizami Ganjavi on
educating human soul and the tendency towards spiritual journey in his Panj
Ganj (Five Treasures) are clearly evident. Based on an educational approach,
the present study investigated the role and position of tongue as a useful or
detrimental tool in self-purification with the aim of explaining the educational
thoughts of Nizami Ganjavi. The significance of this research was that it
attempted to introduce the alignment of the poet’s educational goals with
Islamic teachings as well as the relationship of poetry and literature with the
field of Islamic education. The research findings revealed that from the point
of view of Nizami, tongue has both good and evil aspects. On the one hand, it
is a leading component of speech and the instrument of praise and eloquence.
On the other hand, it is a fleshy muscular organ of the body that, when moved
untimely, brings misery to the audience and gets the speaker trapped into
backbiting, telling lies, gossiping and other sins of tongue. Paying due
attention to self-education in the light of recognizing the benefits and
disadvantages of speaking in relation to self and other was also emphasized by Nizami. For him, the origin of some sins of tongue might be jealousy,irascibility, impudence, ignorance and even the positive or negative influence of nature and essence. Therefore, the poet recommended humans use tongue and language complying with the conditions of the time and in a moderatemanner.
