Looking at sin and the sinner from the perspective of Islamic religious texts and their consequences in education

Document Type : Research Paper


Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman



Looking at sin and the sinful person has been the subject of discussion in all human societies and religions and there has always been controversy surrounding it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the view of Islam on sin and the sinner from the perspective of the Qur’an and Islamic religious texts. Moreover, it aimed to study the consequences of sin in education from the perspective of the Qur’an. In this regard, a descriptive-analytical research method was adopted. First, the theoretical foundations of sin and the sinner as well as viewing a sinful person were investigated. Thereafter, all Quranic verses related to sin and the sinner and their synonym terms were extracted. Then, sin and the sinner were also investigated in. relevant principles were collected and analyzed qualitatively. The word sin itself, the meaning of sin, the origin of sin, the attitude of Islam to the sinner and the effects of sin on education were scrutinized. The results showed that the Quranic words synonymous with sin include . The identified consequences of sin in education from the viewpoint of the Holy Qur’an include anxiety, having guilty conscience, negligence, scandal, hindering knowledge, retribution and torment, hindering prayer, disbelief and hard heartedness. Of course, anxiety and having guilty conscience can have a useful aspect; they might lead to the return of the guilty person and his/her repentance. Of the influential factors resulting in repentance and forgiveness are having guilty conscience and anxiety arising from the commission of sin.
