Elahi Ghomshei and Translation of the Quran

Document Type : Research Paper



Translation of the Quran to various languages, and particularly to Farsi, has been prevalent for a long time. In recent times, this process has been accelerated due to the expansion of literacy among Iranians and their tendency to read the Quran and pay attention to the meanings.
In addition to that, the accuracy of translation is very crucial considering the sacredness of its lines and the importance of the meanings in Islamic thought and practice. In spite of all these, the existing translations are flawed with trivial and general problems to some extent and an ideal and perfect translation has not been produced yet and the possibility of such productions does not seen to be reachable.
An example of such translations, which is commonly used by the public, is Elahi Ghomshei's translation. Late Elahi Ghomshei has had a significant role in the establishment of a translation style which is simple, modern, and straightforward, though his translation suffers from several shortcomings.
The purpose of the present paper-which is extracted from an MA thesis- is to investigate Elahi Ghomshei's translation of the Quran and mostly its ten last Ajza (parts) to illustrate this translation suffers from many errors and flaws to the extent that editing them will result in the production of a new translation.
