The Investigation of Causes and Roots of the Superficial Interpretation in Comprehending Quran

Document Type : Research Paper



We humans are always affected by the products of our own knowledge and old or new culture and a complete release from them occurs very rarely, however, this mental affectedness shall not influence the comprehension of Quran verses and narratives or disturb their purity. Pure and genuine comprehension of religious texts, especially Quran, is possible but difficult and clarifying the mind from presuppositions and presumptions is a necessary condition for attaining to such a pure comprehension. But after setting the prophecy sun, some social-political dissensions triggered as well as the conflicts and discords in the field of religious interpretation by some sects and schools. Religion and the divine book were interpreted differently and different and sometimes opposing thoughts occurred among the Islamic society. One of these ideologies is the superficial interpretation and neglecting the reason and field of exegesis of divine law in encountering Quran. Of course the purpose of this essay is to consider the superficial interpretation sects of “Sunnites” which are insisting on these kinds of beliefs more than others.
    The writer of this article is going to investigate the forming causality of these ideological attitudes as well as state, criticize and study the roots of this impure ideology with a descriptive-analytical method as far as possible. The conclusion of this research is that paying attention superficially alone to Quran verses, that this is employed by this ideology, is not adequate for comprehending and finding the reasons and purposes of Quran verses but considering the reason with regard to the interpretations of the innocents (peace be upon them) is a necessary and unavoidable matter in comprehending Quran correctly.
