The Origin of Fitnah (Sedition) and How to Confront it According to Nahj-al-Balaghe

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the permanent divine traditions is the tradition of trial against the state of mixture of just and unjust or “fitnah”. Injustice made from fitnah,is greater and more intense than murder. Therefore fighting it is a lot harder and at the same time more beneficial than fighting against murder. Today, the most obvious illustration of fitnah is the spreading of religiously diverse thoughts and social-moral corruptions.
The following study investigates the subject of “fitnah” from Ali's (pbuh) view who, during his blissful life, had witnessed a lot of fitnahs –particularly after the death of the prophet- and this urged him to warn the people of his time against fitnah in different events so that by using his guidance about the nature of fitnah and the ways we can fight it, we can recognize it in all forms at the right moment and with cautious and calculated movements in the light of following the leadership, and in the right path we can protect the aims and goals of  the Islamic revolution.
