Role of certain knowledge in religious training

Document Type : Research Paper


God has introduced many of the barriers to knowledge in the verses of the Holy Qur'an and has reminded the human being of the results of its utilization or delinquency. Utilizing the perceptive, sensual, and practical factors of knowledge would conduct the human being toward bliss and lead to religious training; on the other hand, following the barriers and pests of knowledge would lead to the crisis of knowledge. Nowadays, by the emergence of new schools of thought, besides doubts cast on usefulness principle of religion, the cognition of general meaning of religion has also encountered crisis. The result of such crisis is confusion of contemporary human being and loss of the meaning of life. This paper investigates the crisis of knowledge via an analytical method from the viewpoint of its relation with religion. Therefore, by analyzing certain evidence and reasons derived from the Holy Qur'an, it was unfolded that “certainty” is a key notion for solving the crisis of knowledge and it is possible only in the light of its utilization to offer strategies and educational implications convenient to religious training.
