Compassion of prophets and its educational implications from the viewpoint of the Holy Quran and quotations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of meybod

2 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith, Department of theology, Faculty of Theology, University o

3 Associate Professor and Faculty Member,Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature, Islamic Azad University of Yazd


Compassion is a set of attributes and skills that prevent or heal the material and spiritual sufferings of man and cause his well-being and education. It has also been a positive feature of prophets as well as a tool with two basic educational roles: a. preventing and healing human sufferings and b. establishing mutual affection and well-being. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the present paper examines the compassion of prophets reflected in the Holy Qur’an and tradition and analyzes its educational role in leading communities to achieving sublime characteristics, alleviating their own as well as other people’s sufferings and improving social behavior and well-being. This goal is attained through getting accustomed to compassion. The results of the research indicated that a) compassion is a positive trait of “individual” and “social” education that influences one’s own well-being and healing of sufferings as well as those of others, b) affection is an important component of compassion, but not its only component, and c) compassion is a set of attributes and skills the most important of which are welfare motivation, paying attention to sufferings, raising the threshold of tolerance, kindness and consciousness, sympathy, empathy, and making positive images.
