Limits of Using “Habit” in Moral Education in Accordance with Selected Contemporary Approaches and their Criticism Based on the Theory of Human as Agent

Document Type : Research Paper


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The habit method has been used by educators since a long time ago; therefore, The present study tries to explain and conduct comparative study on the necessity and limits of using habit in moral education in accordance with contemporary approaches and criticize and reconstruct them based on the theory of the human as an agent In other words, the study, which is conducted by using conceptual analysis, has addressed the concept and status of habit in contemporary approaches (character and cognitive education and value explanation) and the theory of the human as an agent. It also tries to determine the necessity and limits of using this method in them. Habit, which has function of repetition, has a special status in the character education approach and it is absolutely essential to be used while the cognitive approach is explicitly opposed to this method. The approach of value explanation does not consider a position or status for it. In Theory of the Human as an Agent, habit is introduced as a pseudo-education, which is separated from education due to some factors such as explanation, criterion, interniples
