Islamic pattern of “moral autonomy” based on grounded theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of elementary education, Behbahan Branch, Islamic Azad University,Behbahan , Iran

2 Department of education, education and psychology faculty, shahid chamran university, ahwaz, iran


The purpose of the present study is to present the Islamic pattern of “moral autonomy” based on Quran and Holy Hadiths using the method of grounded theory. Moral autonomy means self-legislation, individual authority in ethical principles, ability of reasoning, free and responsible decision-making for action and its consequences. The study of Islamic resources and the code analysis showed that main causes and factors affecting moral autonomy include having the power of reason and ability to think and learn, human agency (originating from cognitive, attitudinal and voluntary fundamentals), human empowerment and his free will. Personal rationale and being morally agent in special fields and conditions include liberating and rational training in society, the value of knowing, encouraging and teaching to think in general field, the importance of accountability and public responsibility for personal and collective behaviors. Imitation, ignorance, relying on suspicion, precipitancy and coercion in personal and social field are disruptive factors of moral autonomy. Actions done by an independent moral agent include relying on rationale and focusing on personal responsibility, understanding the law from religious texts and orders, law-making and compliance with laws. The results of the mentioned strategies are accepting the guidance, conscious faith not the imitated one,  calmness of heart in the world and salvation and Divine satisfaction in the Hereafter.
