The ultimate and mediating goals of Islamic and liberal education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistant professor, Department of Education, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 assistant professor ,department of education.tabriz university

3 assistant professor department of surgical of nursing and midwifery. Shiraz university of medical sciences


The present study was conducted aiming to investigate the foundations, principles, values and approaches of Islam and Liberalism to education as well as to make a comparative analysis of these two stances with regard to the significance of objectives in directing the process of education on the basis of two ultimate and mediating goals (belief, ethical, cultural, social, civil, emotional, etc.). The research method was of a deductive-analytic nature which examined the documents related to the topic. According to the findings, it can be stated that each of the two educational views highlighted various kinds of objectives. With regard to the liberalist approach, educations seeks to achieve knowledge and is human-centered, while Islamic approach is God-oriented and seeks not only to increase horizons of knowledge but also to develop equally all aspects of human nature.
